Saturday, January 31

cinta monyetttt..hehehe

got real bored n fedup dealing wid 'ass'siment..huu so i look thru 'my pictures' folder..then i came across this pic, also taken during the long holiday at the end of last year. old pictures from my school years. heee..n one pic really caught my eye and attention. its da pic below..apo?? monyet2 di tangga?? aiyaa..i noe le cinta monyet tpi homo sapien ye kami. not a believer of Darwin's theory for sure. lolz~ see,last 25th january was his beday..hohoho pokcik is doh tuo! ngee~ he called me, yela maxis bgi call free kn..klu tak, tak pnh hayatnye nk ngecall qilah.emm sembang nye sembang skali dye bitaw daa his plan of getting married next year..waahhh??!! my puppy love partner is getting married n i dun even have a boifren..camno neyh?btw, name mamat ni harith iskandar (hope he aint gonna read dis, im so gonna dead exposing him..but like i care..history is a memory n da sweet ones are long to cherish einh? hee~) da best part is dye org jawa gak so best ar ckp jawa ngan dye. 'ojo ngapusi! tak tuapok ndas se, ngko munyeng yo kapok kapokan!' fhm? tapela tak perlu fhm..hehe

ktorg 3 thun classmate mase kat mrsm serting, then f4 i transfered to mrsm taiping n he stayed there. being classmates for 3 years, seating behind him in the class,surely we got lots to talk about even we're far by distance. dye BWP (badan wakil pelajar) cam JPP laa..nk kna pilihnraya seme kn. so, everytime ade delivery kad muhibbah mrsm serting-mrsm taiping..surely ade sepucuk surat utk sy..haha..syiokk plak ingt balik kngn2 lame..seme org jelesh sy slalu dpt surat chenta..kikiki..sygnye cant remmber where i put those letters..hu3
dh terbuang kotzz?

so bile sijil result pmr dh kuaw, kna la pi serting nk amek..msa tu jumpe smule..gedik2 la amek gambo berdua tp time tu gak dh dengar rumours dye ni dh ade org len..hee~ cam tak kiza sgt pn sbb seriously msa tu men2 je tade pasaan ngat pn.yela, tgk org len ade bf aku pn nak gaklaa..but seriously no heart feeling..still manage to score my exams laa..alhamdulillah..em, i even met dat girl, amek gmbr same agi..peluk2 agi..yela, is dok kate dye cun sy cute, dye cantek sy comey..mesti ar nk tengok..well i think they'll make a great partner. will she be the wife-to-be?? hee..hope so..pokcik is tamo bitaw..semakin warak dye skang, bru ckp 5 saat he recited a hadith n a riwayat from Quran oredy. wawawa..kamoo dh jdi ustaz harith ke skang?? whateva it is, praying the best for him. :)) kawen jgn lupe jemput!okkay, i lied..actually tak kiza is ade org len coz me pn crushed kat sum1 gak..hehe..we spent lots of time together during kuiz nadwah islamiah..he's a clever boy, 3.9 n above sajje pointer, n masuk kuiz sejarah peringkat kebangsaan, tokoh pelajar lgi wpun very average in figure. i burned the midnight oil juz to make sure my GPA cud beat him or at least in the same level..n i succeed! =) 3.95..dat was my highest achievement from f1 until now. n not proudly to say it was becoz a guy?? hrmmm..nway, he's in ireland now doing his IB (international baccalaurate)..a future doctor..hee, thanx for encouraging me once least merasa gak aku 3.95 tuh..kantoi english plak, n now im suffering to be an english teacher..such ironi haa..

p/s: pic not so clear coz its picture in a picture.
nota kaki: cinta monyet, cinta pertama, cinta pndang pertma, cinta sejati, cinta smpai ke syurga..hmmm..something to ponder about ek.. waaa but skrg kna cintakn assiment dlu..wokeyh! get back to work cik sara..!! huuu


bubbye said...

erkkk...adakah...manusia yg ke ib itu adalah al amin?erkk....correct me if i'm wrong..keh3

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

alamak! malunye sahaye..hik3..alaa crite lameee..tade pasaan da skang..

bubbye said...

ha'ah la..baru pasan yg tu amin kt pic tu..keh3.ala,tkper.besela tu.kisah2 time skola..=)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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