cik arab : excuse me, can i ask you about something..
syikin : ouhh...sure2, no problem..(ni mesti nk tnya tempat ke kedai mn2 ke..buleh je nk jwb nih)
minah arab : Malaysia is a very nice country..i love it so much n been thinking to come here again next year..very good and the people are very nice.. (kami bertiga sudah kembang kempis ye disitu..hahahs)..and you dressed well, very pretty (msa ni dye tunjuk kat tudung dye la, maybe dye maksudkn pakai tudung..)
syikin, adah n i: still listening attentively sambil tunggu soklan menda minah arab ni nk tnya sbenarnye....
minah arab continues : but i dun understand, why some people cover their hair but show their butt? why wear clothes that shows their body? (kami sdikit ternganga dgr pertnyaan itu..apekahhhh????) they go to surau to pray yet they're wearing something like that. is there any kind of message that they wanna convey? i mean i also wear jeans back in my country but i make sure its under my knees and big enough..not show my body..hrrmmm we're muslims and i just do what Rasulullah will do, tabligh right? we pass around good you may pass around to your friends and the others..
syikin, adah n i: sedikit terkulat2 disitu..
seksi kah kami???? tgk balik bju yg dipakai..huhu okkayh maybe not as complete as her, with her jubah that clearly big and covers everything but i think to compare us with the oootheerrrrr people in time square at that moment, we can be considered as dressing decently..OMG, i know she's doing something nice, nk tegur kn, i can accept it its just that her words really make us think deeply n surely change the 'girls day out' mood for a while..why among all the ppl in dat big mall she chose us??
memula tu mmg sakit hti gakla...sbb msa tu ktorg yg bru kluar dri surau, bru lepas solat, kiranye dye tegur ktorg secara halus la klau nk ckp sal org arab ni, mmgla diorg berjubah semua, tp kadang2 tu ade jek yg kuku tu buh pengilat kuku kn..mane sah wudu' camtu..then, klau yg free hair plak seksi nyeeee..kalah org2 Malaysia sndiri..then bila fikir2 balik, positive balik, rasional balik, who are we to judge people, she's doing smthing right..'amar ma'aruf nahi munkar..'
so, to do the honour,all girls! note this! please wear decently, we're muslim, for me its quite a humiliation to hear tourists asking smthing like that. luckily she didnt expect any answer for if she did, im speechless.. maybe that's just the way things here, in KL some more, u wear tudung but u show your butt, baju tu pendek kn, tryla pakai yg labuh2 cket..u wear tudung, but u show ur body..tryla pakai yg tak ketat sgt..yang tak ikut body not saying that i dressed perfectly all this while, just as a reminder to myself and to all the girls out there..tak malu ke org ckp camtu pasal kite? sy malu...sgttt malu...serious..lepas kejadian tu, klau terjumpe perempuan arab yg berjubah sakan tu rsa nk lari je, segan klau jumpe perempuan yg tegur ktorg tu lagi...huhuhu
forget about that..out of topic jap...thanks vimala utk brooch yg sgttt chantek..terharu tak when an Indian friend being so sensitive..give u smthing to wear for Hari Raya?? seriously, im touched. despite of all what ppl have been saying n what me myself felt for all this while, i feel appreciated..she's a veeery nice matter what perception she may get..everyone has weaknesses, i always hope people accept mine just the way i accepted others' weaknesses..hrmmmm..ntahla..kdg2 prasaan ni kn, susah nk jngka..smtimes we like smtimes we dun..smtimes we want it to be different but things are the other way round...huuu..ape2 pn..thanx vim! nk bgi ape ek kt dye nti..ermmmm sari boleh tak?
ara & ala..
yela tu..
malunye kene tegur cmtuh!!
tp pelik kn..
kite yg bole dikatekan tutup aurat neyh pulak die tego,,
tp bukan yg pkai trdedah sane sini tuh..
neway,, x slah die tego.. bru lg kuat iman kite tuk terus brpkaian muslimah.. hehe..
dpt brooch ar..
btol3..itu yg daku pelik lgi hairannye..
tp takpela..look at it in a positive way..pasni jg2 la amenda nk pakai tu kn..
owhh..hehe tula..chantek, tp bila nk pakai ritu rsa cam terlebih grand lah plak...huhuu...
yeah..speechless cm pki makeup 110 inci tbalnyer..i noe cr bpkaian slh plus i used hoodie yg agk bare kat shoulder..ahakzz..trus bli new cardigan yg lbuh kan to cvr time pki JUBAH g times..hahaha..=p
yup..u shud embrace her as a good friend despite of wat others said..sng kt cmni lah,appreciate sp yg hargai kiter..she is a good girl..=)(ikhlas dr ati..xde mksd ape2)
oh minah arab aku terkelu..kuang3x
ahaha..pakai jubah trosla pastu..plastik sgt..tapela as long as tutup aurat..memana yg patut kan...tak perlu la smpai berjubah..just hope dpt istiqamah dgn sgala ap yg kte bwat..sempena bulan2 Ramadhan da dekat ni kn..insaf sikit sahaye..huk3..
nicely said =) bagusle klau tade mksud ape2..hehe.. pretentious or for real, sumtimes me myself confuse which one my feeling is..
hahaha..cutekatak...ku juga terkelu terkedu tersedu...ekeke
kan dah keenaaaaaa..!!!
uuuuu..~~~ agak panas teguran minah arab tu..
tp kalo nak kate mereka perfect menutup aurat dgn memakai jubah bagai tak jugak.. ade je yg lbh kurang mcm kite..
huhu.. tp teguran tu btol jugak.. so just think +ve..
kimisai~ nk wat..we're d chosen ones kan..haha
yup..tula..think +ve la nih..klau tak +ve ade gak yg bertekak kt ctu kn..tape2..sabo2..ade hikmahnye nih..huhu
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