haa..inilah nendaku..her name is Maspungatun @ Siti Aminatun Bt Hj Nor..hee..me myself can't figure out why the @ got to be there since both the names still sound Javanese right? maybe Siti Aminatun tu lebeyh formal agaknye..hehe..cik sara panggil nenek Mbah Tun..Mbah tu nenekla dlm bhsa jawa..my grandmother is in her early 90 years old..unbelievable right? yg lgi uniknye, kat IC Mbah sy ni, umur baru 70 lebeyh, approximately 20 years younger. my mum said msa bru nk g wat IC Mbah Tun dlu, ayah Mbah, (my moyang laa) just assume that she is younger.. adeyh..bleyh plak camtu kn dlu2..huhu..
hurmm jaga org tua bukannye senang..perlukan kesabaran yg saaangat tinggi, org kate baek jga budak kecik dripada jga org tua, n by experiencing it on my own, i know why..sumtimes smpai nk nanges asenye tak thn..tpi Alhamdulillah, berjaya jugak mnjaga nenek sy, hampir sebulan gaklaa..kadang2 tu fikir, yela, lama mana lgi dpt berkhidmat nk jaga nenek kn..slama mana lgi usia dye..at least dpt jugak merasa mnyenangkn hidup nenek sndiri..by thinking of dat, it does make me feel better..
i'm proud of myself, at least i have dat experience that im sure will be needed sooner or later. at least a bit practice wud give me better skill to handle golongan emas ni di kemudian hri kn..sbb cuti da abes so knala anta balik Mbah kt umah pkcik..msa nk tinggal tu, sedihla jugak..dh biasa having sumone under my supervision. so bile Mbah dh takde kat umah ktorg ase tak lengkap, tade sape nk dilayan, dimasakkn, disuapkn makan, mandi etc...
hee..picca 3 generasi~ syg plak gmbar ni candid kn..tak taw pn abg snap..hehehe..wpun Mbah Tun da 90an..smoga nenek sy sntiasa sehat, ceria dn gembira di penghujung usianye..AAmiiiinnn..~
♫ i'm giving you my heart forever..every beat of my heart says it's true..my love for you won't fade no never~ giving you my heart forever, all-4-one
nota kaki: esok cuti nak ronggeng mana? hee..ohho~! terlupa pule elaun tade ag..aihhh.. T_T
hohoho. mbah tun pekabar?
aku panggil opah aku. nenek je. hehe
sehat eh nenek ko? alhamdulillah..
berbakti tu bagus :)
cucu yg baek kan
bagus nye cucu nenek ni...
terharu khal bace ur entri..
pjg btol usia beliau.. 90 thn tuu..
wah.. cucu mithali..
bagos la brbakti kpd org tua..
hee..sehat2 org tua la mbah tun..time dye kuat aktif la berjln sana cni..tp time dye tak larat dok tido jele..hehe
kmoo pn kena jdi cucu yg baek taw..hehe
thanx..wat ap yg termmpu saje..a'ah tula..kagumm gak sy..itupn leyh gi dye bgun jln2 wpun da 90 tu..
thanx..hehe..esok2 ada pn leh gak berbakti kat tok ek..hehe
terpancar kecerian di wajah nenek memeiliki cucu yg baekk.
khay pon ade melalui saat2 bila kene jaga nenek.
my grandma is sick. mase mude2 time abes SPM da start jaga nenek. since xda sape yg cuti. khay je tgh cuti.
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