Assalamualaikum, good day to all.

hoyeah! tomorrow is holiday. Salam Maal Hijrah 1435H to all. Lets make this new year as a platform for us to improve ourselves, our attitude, our beliefs and all the good values that we can think of.

Being an adult isn't easy, especially when all the temptations keep lurking and inviting us to 'eat the bait' (reminder to self especially).
Since Friday it has been dark.

Yup, literally dark. and dry. Yup, literally dry. the electrivity keeps shutting off and on like chipsmore's cookies tagline, 'sekejap ad sekejap takde'. which is annoying and a pain in the a**. the weird thing about the electricity around here is that it will cause the water supply to be low as well and eventually no water at all. Been a while since i haven't take a bath for 12 hours straight. Homaii i smell horrible!

Alhamdulillah the water come back running again by the end of the day.

Even though the colour is a bit like 'teh tarik' tak ckup susu. Hurmm..
Being in the shoes of teachers who had been posted to the rural area that can be entitled p2 and p3 make me feel lucky and full of gratitude. Despite of all the hardship that I'm facing here, there are always someone somewhere out there who're in the worse condition than I am.
Okkay peeps, Salam Maal Hijrah. Enjoy tomorrow's holiday and be good okkay!
p/s: I'm missing my other half like hell. Keep counting, 11 more days to school holiday! Jyeahh!
♫ people say love is hell, a shiny prison cell where the time stops but the door is unlocked ~~
if only, Jon Mclaughin
Lots of