well..hmm basically i can feel dat dis course will be hard..coz there's only 40% for assignment n 60% of examination..woah!! dats a lot of marks..meaning to say dat i had to buck up like hell for da final paper..fuhh!
ok, briefly, i'll be introduced to da basic concepts of linguistic..speech sound patterns, word formation, da study of meaning..hmm language, a system to cenvey meaning which always been conveyed through communication among homo sapiens..
well..dats about it..guess by the end of dis sem i can pronounce every english word clearly n correctly..fuh! IPA (international Phonetic Alphabet)..we shud have mastered dis during our foundation years yet my LDV class persistantly changing lecturers n dat cause us to be a bit left behind..hmm da fact dat i was in da first class didnt impress me anymore cause other classes got better lecturers n gain more 'wisdom'..hahaha..but what is done is done..guess gonna dig in those IPA's dis sem..chayok2
catatan kaki: nak study IPA kna buke kamus slalu ke??? haha tamo2..
~words devoid of thought is a dead thing..thougts unembodied in words remain a shadow..~
Wednesday, December 31
Tuesday, December 30
saya sedang mengreaders digest..hehehe..rasa cam educated plak bc buku2 gini..hik3..
still remember when i was in f3..dat was da first time i'd eva touch dis book n got da hell out of it coz dun understand a thing..ya, da language is so difficult i can barely breath to open up da dictionary for every lines!huhuhu but things get better n im enjoying myself reading them now..alhamdulillah..
♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..me~ da journalss..
bil bebudak cemara
grabbed from afida's blog:
"sewa umah= rm600
bil air= rm533 (untuk 5 bulan neh k... hehe)
bil elektrik= rm21
bil internet=rm112
baiki mesin basuh= rm100
total= 1366
rm1366/7= +- 200
elaun... cepatla masuk... huhuhuhu"
hak3..disini sy ingin mengishtiharkn muflis..! makanye sape2 yg ade berniat nk ajak cik sara berjoli ke kuaw ke..harap maaf..tak dilayan..huuu
catatan kaki:sedihnye..sy mama kedana..sob3..
catatan kaki:sedihnye..sy mama kedana..sob3..
♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..me~ da journalss..
Monday, December 29
Lelaki jujur tidak gemar kalau dia dicurigai. Dia juga tidak suka dikatakan sedang menyembunyikan sesuatu. Lelaki jujur biasanya cemerlang dalam pelajaran ataupun pekerjaan. Dia tidak punya masa untuk bermain sembunyi-sembunyi. Dia suka berterus terang dan dia mahu orang mempercayai kata-katanya. Kalau dia dicurigai dia boleh berasa amat kecewa dan boleh bertindak bodoh. Misalnya, seorang suami yang memang tiada apa-apa skandal di luar, jika isterinya tidak habis-habis melemparkan kata-kata curiga, dia boleh bertindak betul seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh isterinya itu. Aku jujur pun isteri aku kata aku tak jujur. Baiklah aku tak payah jujur. Dikhuatiri kata-kata begini mula terdapat di dalam hatinya. Dia mungkin tidak bertindak songsang pada waktu terdekat, tetapi apabila titik hitam mula terbentuk di hatinya lambat laun, ia mungkin terjadi. Begitu juga seorang lelaki jujur dalam kategori tunang ataupun teman. Orang jujur memang tidak patut dicurigai. Sebenarnya bukan orang jujur saja, siapa pun tidak suka jika dia dikatakan tidak baik, meskipun dia memang tidak baik. Jadi, cuba bayangkan perasaan seorang yang baik tetapi asyik dicurigai. Persoalannya bagaimanakah hendak mengenali lelaki baik? Memang sukar namun kita perlu berpegang pada satu-satu prinsip untuk dijadikan panduan. Kita boleh kata tak semestinya begitu dan tak semestinya begini, tapi jika kita terus berkata begitu, kita tidak akan mencapai kesudahan. Kita akan menjadi seorang jurutikai dan tiba-tiba tanpa kita sedar dia sudah pun meninggalkan kita kerana tidak tahan dengan kerenah kita.
Oleh itu, jadikan apa yang akan saya paparkan di bawah ini sebagai panduan saja. Tidak semestinya betul, harus salah. Lelaki itu jujur jika:
1. Dia seorang yang cemerlang dalam usaha yang dilakukannya. Tidak semestinya betul tetapi kita boleh berpegang lelaki yang sibuk membina kecemerlangan diri memang tidak sempat untuk membina cinta-cinta palsu.
Mana mungkin seorang yang sibuk menguruskan perniagaan ataupun tekun melakukan kerjanya ataupun seorang pelajar yang sibuk menelaah ada masa untuk mempermainkan wanita.
2. Dia seorang yang kuat pengamalan agamanya. Tidak semestinya betul sebab orang yang kuat beribadah pun tidak terlepas daripada godaan syaitan, malah semakin besar serbannya semakin besar pula syaitannya. Namun, tentulah lebih ramai yang sempurna hasil kuat peribadahan agamanya berbanding yang ambil tidak peduli dengan agamanya.
3. Dia seorang yang amat mengambil berat tentang keluarganya. Seorang lelaki yang baik pasti seorang yang amat disenangi oleh seluruh ahli keluarganya.
Tumpuannya pada kerjaya, keluarga dan TUHAN.
Gabungan ketiga-tiga aspek ini menjadikan seseorang lelaki itu sempurna. Dia sudah tentu tidak punya masa untuk menjalin hubungan-hubungan luar biasa sebab kesibukannya bersama kerjaya, keluarga dan TUHAN.
Kerjaya menjadikannya seorang yang sibuk untuk mengejar matlamat, keluarga sandarannya untuk menjadi seorang penyayang dan bertanggungjawab. TUHAN pula menjadi pengharapannya demi kehidupan yang lebih baik dan sempurna serta kekal abadi. Apakah anda fikir seorang lelaki yang mempunyai tiga aspek begini masih patut dicurigai?
Ramai suri rumah akhirnya ditinggalkan kerana terlalu prasangka, menyangka yang bukan-bukan serta merangsang suami dengan tuduhan-tuduhan tidak berasas. Nasihat saya, berilah kepercayaan padu kepada suami anda selagi belum terbukti sesuatu. Selagi ia berlegar dalam pemikiran ia tidak perlu dilayan.
Selamat membina perhubungan intim dan jadilah orang yang ceria serta bahagia sepanjang hidup kita. Saling mempercayai lebih bagus daripada saling mencurigai
catatan kaki: redha dgn jodoh ketentuanNya..
catatan kaki: redha dgn jodoh ketentuanNya..
♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..interesting articles..
isn't english a funny language?
- there's no egg in eggplant or ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple
- is cheese da plural of choose?
- if teachers taught, why dont preaches praught?
- if a vegetarian eats vegetable, what does a humanitarian eat?
- have noses dat run n feet dat smell?
- a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is a pig.
- if da plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't da plural of booth is beeth
- 1 goose, 2 geese. so, 1 moose, 2 meese?
- when a house burns up, it burns down
- u fill in a form by filling it out, n an alarm clock goes off by going on.
- when da stars are out they're visible, but when da lights are out, they're invisible
- English muffins were not invented in England or French fries in France.
catatan kaki: sapa kata blajaq english sng?? habaq mai cni kat che'..aii..tpi kn..rindu pule pd MO..dis sem dh tade grammar..huu
♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..interesting articles..
wokeh, to rejuvenate my site again, i'll start wid recap of my activities during da holiday..well its not much still i wanna crammed up whateva is necessary..hee~
so, these two books i bought during book fair in pwtc along wid another 2 piece of Rowling's. ahah! who wanna miss out on harry potter when da piece is in ur hand..i still remmber it was a hectic assignment momentos, yet i still managed to finish reading da Rowling's..haha..puas hatiku..but now im not gonna talk bout harry potter.
the writer, torey hayden, i've neva heard of her b4.i got interested to dig in her writing coz she's a teacher n specialize in special education. she had to deal with 'tough' lil kids.i juz wanna see how she actually approach da children.Ghost Girl, i cant believe dat i actually shaking reading it, what more wid da fact dat it was a real story. young Jadie who was molested cruelly, insanely, unexpectedly by his own dad n other morons who worship da satan. da significance of 666.it was awfully unbelievable. she was drugged then brought to a secret place where then she was raped violently.one obscene description dat i cn still rmmber clearly is da part where those people sacrifice a cat for da religious ritual. those morons pull da cat's hands n legs till it was tore apart n da blood smeared all over jadie's naked body, da content(organs n all dropped on jadie's stomach) n they lick da blood. huk3, that was da grossest thing i've eva read. woah!i lose appetite 4 dat whole day, serioussly. for a cat lover like me huu dat was awful.pity da cat n da gal of coz..dis lil gal was trapped in a living hell of unspeakable memories. jadie neva spoke, neva laughed n neva cried. how scary if one day i have dis kinda gal in my class???uhuhuhu..im not scared dat she'l be a naughty gal or what, im scared if she approach me, tell me bout her probs. wud i be able to deal wid i n help da poor lil gal?? how if i cudnt..Gosh! dats a pressure..huu

the second book entitled one child. a lil recap of what i still remmber,sheila was abondened by her mother on a highway when she was 4. dat cause her to lost in a world of anger n torment. she's violent, what happened was she abducted a 3 year old boy, tied him to a tree n burn him alive. luckily someone saw it n sheila was captured. in her age, they dunno where to send her, juvenile prison wud be absurd, she's 6! n dats how torey got her. ya, she was tough,one unbelievable scene is when sheila pop out da goldfish's eye using a pencil.arggh!dis kid is deteriorated. da climax of da story is so deplorably bad. Sheila gradually became a behaved gal, happier than eva wid da help of torey. torey decided to fight for sheila, for da boy's parents to drop da charge.hmm..unfortunately,from a criminal she was a victim. one day sheila came to class all tense up n wid irregular frequent visits to da toilet.when sheila sat on torey's lap, she left a blood on tor's jean. torey was so shocked n quickly demanded da truth. urghh! dis is when i got all da shaking again. her moron uncle jerry put a knife in her because his pecker wudnt fit in????he put a knife in a 6 years old vagina.setan!! thank god he was prisoned for a very long time.hmmm..dis book really touches me..

hmm, i plan to have more of Torey's as my personal collection. i like her piece coz parts of her book will enrage u, parts make u cry n parts make u cheer. i wonder if one day i wud be a great teacher juz like her.sincerely help those disturbed children. well, im a bit inspired to read hers again. how she approach the kids from being silence to finally talk to her about their disturbance. she's very good wid her words, one thing i wish i cud have. da ability to persuade, to make ppl or children believe in me n undoubtedly trust me to hear their secrets.
nota kaki: nk pinjam buku ni buleh ajje..mintak saje..but jaga leklok naaaa..
so, these two books i bought during book fair in pwtc along wid another 2 piece of Rowling's. ahah! who wanna miss out on harry potter when da piece is in ur hand..i still remmber it was a hectic assignment momentos, yet i still managed to finish reading da Rowling's..haha..puas hatiku..but now im not gonna talk bout harry potter.
the writer, torey hayden, i've neva heard of her b4.i got interested to dig in her writing coz she's a teacher n specialize in special education. she had to deal with 'tough' lil kids.i juz wanna see how she actually approach da children.Ghost Girl, i cant believe dat i actually shaking reading it, what more wid da fact dat it was a real story. young Jadie who was molested cruelly, insanely, unexpectedly by his own dad n other morons who worship da satan. da significance of 666.it was awfully unbelievable. she was drugged then brought to a secret place where then she was raped violently.one obscene description dat i cn still rmmber clearly is da part where those people sacrifice a cat for da religious ritual. those morons pull da cat's hands n legs till it was tore apart n da blood smeared all over jadie's naked body, da content(organs n all dropped on jadie's stomach) n they lick da blood. huk3, that was da grossest thing i've eva read. woah!i lose appetite 4 dat whole day, serioussly. for a cat lover like me huu dat was awful.pity da cat n da gal of coz..dis lil gal was trapped in a living hell of unspeakable memories. jadie neva spoke, neva laughed n neva cried. how scary if one day i have dis kinda gal in my class???uhuhuhu..im not scared dat she'l be a naughty gal or what, im scared if she approach me, tell me bout her probs. wud i be able to deal wid i n help da poor lil gal?? how if i cudnt..Gosh! dats a pressure..huu
the second book entitled one child. a lil recap of what i still remmber,sheila was abondened by her mother on a highway when she was 4. dat cause her to lost in a world of anger n torment. she's violent, what happened was she abducted a 3 year old boy, tied him to a tree n burn him alive. luckily someone saw it n sheila was captured. in her age, they dunno where to send her, juvenile prison wud be absurd, she's 6! n dats how torey got her. ya, she was tough,one unbelievable scene is when sheila pop out da goldfish's eye using a pencil.arggh!dis kid is deteriorated. da climax of da story is so deplorably bad. Sheila gradually became a behaved gal, happier than eva wid da help of torey. torey decided to fight for sheila, for da boy's parents to drop da charge.hmm..unfortunately,from a criminal she was a victim. one day sheila came to class all tense up n wid irregular frequent visits to da toilet.when sheila sat on torey's lap, she left a blood on tor's jean. torey was so shocked n quickly demanded da truth. urghh! dis is when i got all da shaking again. her moron uncle jerry put a knife in her because his pecker wudnt fit in????he put a knife in a 6 years old vagina.setan!! thank god he was prisoned for a very long time.hmmm..dis book really touches me..
hmm, i plan to have more of Torey's as my personal collection. i like her piece coz parts of her book will enrage u, parts make u cry n parts make u cheer. i wonder if one day i wud be a great teacher juz like her.sincerely help those disturbed children. well, im a bit inspired to read hers again. how she approach the kids from being silence to finally talk to her about their disturbance. she's very good wid her words, one thing i wish i cud have. da ability to persuade, to make ppl or children believe in me n undoubtedly trust me to hear their secrets.
nota kaki: nk pinjam buku ni buleh ajje..mintak saje..but jaga leklok naaaa..
♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..me~ da journalss..
salam ma'al hijrah bwat sume..
tanpa disedari masa berlalu begitu pantas..
bulan muharram kembali menyapa..
bulan permulaan..hee..perancangn dn pelaksanaan..ingt tue..
hidup bukan sesaja..wateva happen is for a reason..so stop crying n moving on people!
ehe~ da future awaits..opaque or transparent dun be afraid to go through it..coz deep down inside..
there lies ur faith, strenght, courage n sincerity wid da blessings of The Greatest Creator of all..
practically u may be alone but solely, u neva were..

bulan muharram kembali menyapa..
bulan permulaan..hee..perancangn dn pelaksanaan..ingt tue..
hidup bukan sesaja..wateva happen is for a reason..so stop crying n moving on people!
ehe~ da future awaits..opaque or transparent dun be afraid to go through it..coz deep down inside..
there lies ur faith, strenght, courage n sincerity wid da blessings of The Greatest Creator of all..
practically u may be alone but solely, u neva were..

♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..me~ da journalss..
Sunday, December 28
au revoir kampungku..halluuu kay-hell..haha~
i'm back...
ehe~ ade sikit sedey tpii hepi gak..well..yeah
kinda weird coz even for a while im juz me alone in my room, here, hmm dat sense of belonging really sooth me..im where i shud be..
im gonna be bz with things dat shud keep me from being a moron n think bout things dat i shudnt..hee..ayat tokley blah kn..hee~ jiwa kacau je..dats why..
sooo..bilik dh update..baju dh update wpun mesin basuh rosak..bil2 sume dh update n im gonna be officially broke in no time bebeh!!huhuhuhu..dunno how im gonna survive till im being rejuvenated back bila elaun masok nti..hua3..tapela..now update fenster n blog dlu laaaa...jom2..
ehe~ ade sikit sedey tpii hepi gak..well..yeah
kinda weird coz even for a while im juz me alone in my room, here, hmm dat sense of belonging really sooth me..im where i shud be..
im gonna be bz with things dat shud keep me from being a moron n think bout things dat i shudnt..hee..ayat tokley blah kn..hee~ jiwa kacau je..dats why..
sooo..bilik dh update..baju dh update wpun mesin basuh rosak..bil2 sume dh update n im gonna be officially broke in no time bebeh!!huhuhuhu..dunno how im gonna survive till im being rejuvenated back bila elaun masok nti..hua3..tapela..now update fenster n blog dlu laaaa...jom2..
♥ ♥ Labels of the ChRoNicLeZz..~
..me~ da journalss..
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Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..
this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..
hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..
i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..
Lots of ♥♥, me~