actually as most of u may know, my college had been close due to the high number of suspected h1n1 victims..well, to be frank, i was having a flu and a fever when the HUKM nurses come to check all of the students that are having the symptoms. but when afida, fazlin n i reached at the checking station (dewan kuliah), we decided to leave..1st, d sight horrified us..(everybody is wearing a mask..terfikir klau kte ni bebas h1n1 pn boleh get infected sbb duduk di kalangan dirog) 2nd, dewan kuliah tu air-conditioned, means the air is circulated kn? as well as d possible h1n1 virus la kn? 3rd, ktorg decide nk blah after dgr nurse to said sumthing like " ok, sesiapa yg ade salah satu simptom h1n1, kite mintak kerjasama utk dikuarantin lah ye..sekarang ni kamu semua tulis dulu nama, kita nk keep record.." (erkk, ngatkn ade la amek2 suhu ke...amek darah ke..brula check btol2 kn..klau camni gaya dye check..ermm takpolah..jom blah rakan2!)
disebabkn rsa tanggungjwb pada society (pergghh ayat...~), afida n i pn singgahla ke HUKM bfore balik umah..what if we both are really infected? will we spread it to everyone else..taaaaapi, skali lgi kecewa dgn jwapan atendan kt wad kecemasan tu " kitorg boleh check adik, tp kena tunggu 5 6 jam laa..patient ramai ni.." okkay, at least bgi la recommendation g klinik swasta ke..ape ke..dhla nada suara tu sgt2 la menghalau kn..kuciwa boleh tak..dahla org ngah tak sehat..mmg nk mengamuk je ase..whateva la bro..ktorg pn blah ngan kuciwa nye ptg tu gi lah ke klinik Aidura, bndar sri permaisuri bersama afida..d doctor convinced us that we're fine n gonna be okkay..i believe her n paid RM35..dat evening pas mkn ubat selsema..collapse lah tidoq..bngun2 dahh IPIK tutup katenye...188 org suspected..(okkay..nurse tu amek nama 188 org ye..she doesnt really check..setakat tnya2 jep..i know..) tp takpelaaa..d holiday part is interesting..seminggu tuh..maka pulanglah cik sara ke kampung dgn gembiranye...dmm pn dh okkay, selsema pn dh not paying RM 35 for nothing..Alhamdulillah..
after 2 days of roomate called n tell me that news..a close fren is positive H1N1!! OMG..really? how can dat be? unbelievable..we have close contact, veeeerryyyy close, will dat make me positive too? how about the others? a few are having fever or were having fever..everybody start panicking..including my mother when i told her..straight away that evening she brought me n my lil bro (sekolah dye pn kna tutup gak sbb h1n1..sekolah sains kuala selangor..Karl! take note..hehe) to the clinic n do the blood test..Alhamdulillah, we're both -ve..lega sangat3...tgkla ubat2 yg cik sara dpt..bnyak kn..most of it are sbb free kn...terima sajje ngan tgn yg terbuka..hehehe
tapi kan msa taw possibility sy maybe ad h1n1 tu seriously bnyak menda terfikir dh..tetiba lebih menghargai hidup dn org's short..anything cud happen out of our expectation..if u love someone, tell them u do before its too late..owhh..melodramatic cket...
okkayh..out of topic jap..tomorrow i'll be going to the blogger gathering at Taman Tasek Perdana..the banner is on top of my blog ye..looking forward on that wpun just around 15 people yg join..tape2..konsep simple n sweet gitu..ermm we're suppose to bring a present sbb nk tukar2 hadiah nti katenye..cik sara bru beli tdi..kotak dye lawa dhlaa..maleh nk balut boleh tak?hehehe..
penat cket sbenarnye..bas pukul 10 pgi tdi, smpai cni around 1.30..smpai2 umah sewa cmpak beg trus ke hero beli sgala menda utk prepare for tomorrow including da present..then cmpak segala barang tu turun semula ke kedai komputer dpn ni nk amek CPU..laaaagi la nk mengamuk! i asked dat guy to format my CPU..i know there's a prob with it..ngah syok2 online ke ttba pc restart sohla format..he said okkay..cik sara da bgi hri ahad lgi tu..num tepon pn dh bgi..klau tokleh bwat tu just call n wont be dat sy msg bitaw nk amek CPU tu ptg ni bru bitaw tokleh buat n give all sorts of stupid excuses..whats up with men n excuses ek? cant u just admit ur fault..bukannye mati pn..ishhh! nk marah btolla..dhla takde kt kedai msa amek CPU tu tdi..pengecut punye laki..seriously hilang hormat dgn llaki camni..tak responsible, irrelevant...mmg banned tros laki tuh n kedai tu least klau dye ade kt kedai n apologize elok2 tdi, sejuk la jugak hti ni..kesian kt adik yg jga kedai tu tdi terkulat2 kena sembur ngan cik sara..sorry ek dik..akk penat sgt...teremosi lebeyh plak..
okies..gotta go...nk masak memasak japzzz~ lapo2...hehe..