Saturday, April 4

hmmm..~~ fida..

home alone is one situation i despise to be in..but what to rommie, adah n aisyah have gone back to their hometown..(anak2 manja mereka tuu..pntang cuti mesti lesap)..then yana n sabrina have gone to discuss song kit for song n hmm..adah is one of my group mmber, n even my leader, asyraf is happily back in johor..(muka je macho..anak mak gakkk..ceittt) there left me n my beloved ckyn..sokkayhla..we just do our part & compile everything Sunday about our beloved princess afida? hmmm...she's admitted into ward again..because of her asthma..last time she'd admitted to ward i'd keep the update..just clickhere


hmm..staying alone make me feel the melancholy of being left..i hate that feeling..seriously i hate be true.. hmmm....tak sanggup rasanye..last time i went to ICU was the day..hmmm...suddenly 'that moment' really takes me 'away'...hmmmmm....i better not go on or tears will be dripping out like niagara waterfalls..huu..Oh My..i shouldn't feel this..afida will be fine kn? she'll be out soon as happy as always.semlm fida masuk icu..cik sara ngan adah yg tahu dulu sbb ktorg tros gi hukm straight away after class..we went to her usual ward, HDW(high dependency ward) but we saw a pakcik lying on her bed..then we asked the nurse, she told us afida is in wonder she didnt answer the phone the whole night..

gambar ni masa beday fida, 09 february..fida blanje kek, happy2 je mlm tu..n she looks happy too in dis picture..mekaseh fida..kami syg kamoo slalu..

dis picture..hmmm..fida sgtla suke mkn durian..but actualy dye tokleh mkn sgt..durian kn berlwn ngan ubat yg she has to consume evryday..hmm tgk muka fida mkn durian..sgtlaa gembira dn tak suke mkn durian pn akn rasa cam durian tu sdpppp sgt bile tgk fida mkn..hmm klau happiness is a mango to priya, happiness is a durian to fida..

this picture was taken the last time fida was admitted to HDW..
kawan2..pembaca2 blog sy ni..boleh tak sama2 doakn moga kwn sy ni cpt2 sembuh..or at least cepat2 la kuar dri ICU..this is the first time she's admitted to ICU..mintak tlg sgt2..kpd rakan2 yg dekat, her coursemates..jomla kte gi tgk fida..she's in ICU, tingkat 2, katil no least that'll keep her happy, kwn2 semua ingat kat dia..that'll keep her go on..hmm..semoga Tuhan tabahkn hati fida dn beri dia kekuatan utk tempuh dugaan ini..aminn ya rabbal alamin..

nota kaki: song kit lom start ape2~~ huuu..mood oh mood..dtglaa..really need it now..


Anonymous said...

oh..kenapakah ngn ur fren..?skit ape..???
ya Allah.. selamatkan die..
sabar k..hop dat she'll b fine..

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

she's asthmatic..severe one..
tu laa..hope sgtt she'll b fine..

Qarl said...

aku tiap2 ari doakan die sihat

sbb die xde, sure effect performance kite rabu ni..

ermm ntahla

not in d mood

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

haiqal..jgnla camtu..
bukannye dye nk pn sakit..beria dia kate nk berlakon tdi..tape..
insyaAllah ade hikmahnye..

n d performance is thursday not wednesday laa..~ ad masa lgi kte nk practice w/o her..

adah uchida said...

uish..she'll b fine..sgt bsmangat kanzz..come on la u pple lucky taw..jz mdm jo n mdm irene je evaluate n dpt ktorg as students..will b cool..ahakzz...cik sara d minute u walk away n said meet ya on tears falling pon dtinggalkan sorg2 kat umah d hari yg pling truk mnggu lpas..=)

♥♥me ~ cik sara said... hikmahnye n she's such a strong girl..syg fida slalu..proud of her..wpn tdi kna 'serang' lgi she still manage kuar icu rini..alhamdulillah..

aduyaii nape nangis cyg..i wont leave u fact..awk yg leave kte balik kg kn..hehe..yupp dreadful week..wid ppl being selfish n all..hmmmm...kna bnyak brsabar..~~

PeQ GaRaGe said...

cik sara kene tinggal lg ke?

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

tu laa..keshian sy kn..
huk3..sob3 (T_T)

Daffodil D said...

ouh.. i miss durian!

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

me too~

moonie said...

doa kat kawan cik sara..biar cpt chat

best la makan durian..hee musim dah ker nih..naper la aku xtau

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

tq moonie...alhamdulillah bru pas melawat ni..
she's getting better..

ha'ah beshhhh sgt duyan..shuke..hik3..
emm ntahla musim ke tak..tpi ade je jual kat tepi2 jln da skang..yela kott

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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