Friday, April 3

tagged by mya & inndah

along my busy days, i was tagged by few people and given awards by my new follower..tq Mar, i'll fetch the award later kayh..but now i want to answer a tagged from two people >>


so, adik mya, answer for urs in purple kayh and for inndah in green kayh..

1. apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
she's my super duper junior..
she's my blogger fwennzaa & she's a future teacher too.

2. 5 impressions terhadap dia?
dak bijak pandai she loves music
comey2 rajin hapdet blog
unexpected ceria
raaajin study dun mess with her or her friends, she hates it
future doctor insyaAllah jejiwang karatzz..hehe

3. perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?
they both tagged me n become my follower..well, that's memorable

4. perkara paling memorable yang dia kata kat awak?
erkk? hmm 'tagged'? hehe

5. kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan..?
ishh..soklan tak releven

6. kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?
berbaik smula ngan diorg..huu..tak baek la gaduh2..tak shuke

7. kalau dia kekasih awak.. dia perlu improve dalam..?
sekali lagi..soklan tak releven

8. kalau dia musuh awak.. mungkin kerana..?
misunderstanding only..yet dats fixable for sure.

9. overall impression tentang dia?
cute rajin

10. the most desirable thing to do to her/him?
emm..hoping the best for them in their future undertakings

11. apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan orang terhadap awak?
some say im shy, some say im arrogant, yet i am who i am..kenal dulu bru boleh judge me okkayh..

12. the character of you of yourself?
drama queen > at least some ppl wont get hurt..want the best for people around me

13. on contrary, the character you hate about you?
too sensitive..sometimes i care too much n dats hurt me even more

14. the most ideal person you want to be with?
mak! hehe..n my angel my soulmate > lom jupe lgi..

15. for people who like you, tell something about them.
like me for who i am..hate me for who i was..dont try to change me unless for the better of me..~

16. 5 people you tag.
-cik nanie
-cik adah
-ckyn sayang
-cik nisa
-cik farah ada > sila jwb hnya bile anda free kayh

17. no 2 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
haizzz..ramaiii..tokleyh state kat cni..nti perang..hahaha

18. is no 3 male or female?
obviously a female laa

19. if no 4 and no 1 ad relationship?
em..dua2 kenal pejal..haha

20. macam mane dengan no 5 dan no 2 pula?
lagy xtau

21. no 4 single kah?
owhh tidakkk..berpunya sudaaa..n satu cohort cik sara kenal sape tuan empunya tuhh

22. no 1 belajar ape?
TESL cam cik sara

23. say something bout no 5?
anak jepun..haha..she's so cute n seems funny..for real, i dunno, neva met her..

24. no 1 kelakar x?

okkayh..yg kna tagged tu klau free sila la jwb ye..

1 comment:

cz said...

er.. konpius, ckyn syg tu sape?bukan sy kan?hehhhhhe

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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