Wednesday, April 15

lunaskan hutang ~ verse 2

fuhh..done with the first debt, now moving on to the 2nd one..i wonder if i left this n just go home, surely i'll forgot about these tags and awards and i better 'pay' all kan kan here goes:~
owhh i can't really think in this middle of night..but still~~

1) Chocolate indulgance lagik..
ehe..gambar kat bawah ni msa celebrate birthday yang ke 19..combine skali ngan tiqah, bloved roomie n sygku afida..ehe..budget lebeyh cket, leyhla blanje lebeyh cket wat party tu kan..

2) emm..i want to cook and serve my friends again..cause usually my birthday is during the holiday, i'm home..
ohho..this year sgtt sronottt sambut beday..memula tu sedeh sgtt sbb seme org ckp tanak dtg last menet while ktorg da susah payah masak segalaa~ then, ttp syg kwn2 sy semua..wink2

3) movie marathon n definitely i won't want to pay..ehee
gmbar di bwah masa tgk slumdog millionaire ngan hubhub n madu no 1..ekeke..

4) play bowling again n again smpai tgn nk tdik~ shuka shuki ngan kwn2 adalah besh
hari ni men bowling 4 game tros..happy hour, 12 hengget utk 4 game..sgt happy dn sgt penatttt..tgn pn cam nk cabut tp ttp enjoy..~ nk lagi nk lagi..i wonder ape la birthday party package yg Ampang Bowl sediakn ek?

5) since its a i want presentss llahh..even an item from Hinode Shop suda okkayh
setiap hadiah..akan dihargai~ (hemm3..kwn2..fhm2 ye pragmatic or maksud tersiratnye..sediakn hadiah kayh..ekeke)

6) sy maw bunga ros merah from my special someone on my birthday..mesti romantis2 gitu kannzz
owhh..i shall not elobrate more on this..fefhm sendirik la ye..tpi for the time being will not come true la kot..yela special sum1 tade ag..sape maw jadik? angkat tgnn..ehehe

7) the biggest teddy bear ever..(wlaupn nenek tak bgi simpan teddy bear..nak jugok..nak jugok..)
gambar tu masa pi padang besar..teddy bear tati..besarrr sgt kn...wahh.nk nak nak..

8) maw celebrate beday ngan jihah lalink..haizz..sehari dua ni riiinndu sgt kat dye taw..apsal ntah..jihah, cpt2 balik Mesia..
tak penah celebrate beday ngan my one and only beloved jihah ni..btolla org ckp, sides by sides or world apart, sincere friend will always close to your heart..jihah dihatiku~~

9) kucim2 yg amat cumil
bermain ngan kucin adelah satu terapi paling best dikala tertekan ngan hidup..sape nk adiahkn kte kucin on my beday??

10) Last but not least..the one i'm really waiting for yet afraid to put too much hope on to it..a gift of love..
maw prince charming...not necessarily phisically charming..but at heart..~~

You guys been TAG!

ermm..sesape yg membaca tag ini n teringin nk jwb..tiada paksaan..sila2..klau bersawang tade idea nk hapdet..buleyh yourself..

to Lady Z..tq so much tagged me..~

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Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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