i went home last Thursday, the next day my lil brother also came home..he's a pupil of Sekolah Sains Kuala Sgor..the only SBPian in our siblings..the sis n the bros are products of MARA ya..we throwed tantrums on SBPian..musuh2..woahh..aha joking only..so, that evening he asked me to accompany him..shopim katenye..cik sara berialahh..sekali..adess~ ini ke shopimnye adik oi..
muke gembira nk pi beli ikan..owh, kate nk pakai duit sndiri..tetapla cukai duit cik sara seploh hengget..adik bertuah~ da le drive keta lak tu..dye baru form 2 ye..walhal lalu jek dpn sekolah memandu otw nk balik umah tu..kami mmg kamikaze (berani mati)..klau kna saman gemok oitt..jgn harap ko nk pegang da stereng tu slagi tade lesen..(wahh! si kakak yg bru ade P berlagak..ahaha)
please2..pick any one of your preferences..just one ringgit each fish..quite cheap eh
top left is ikan lampam..top right surely gold fish..below left, another type of goldfish..below right, ikan batik oscar..huu i remember the name vivdly since it really caught my eyes..
closer look..see the batik~ owhh sgt kemalaysiaan ikan ni kn..promote batik2 Malaysia..

choosing the best he said~ i was like..'erkk..same jek sume..ape yg gemok pilihnye? ' ehe i guess..i dun understand criteria of high-quality fish..

walking around the petshop n i nearly jump..nearly scream on top of my head when i saw those....eeelll...(mmg patut nma eel..tgk2 mesti eeeuuwww..) mcm tgk gumpalan ular..
cik sara,
air aquarium tu dtng dr mana....paip?....mmng patut ikan tuh mati pon....
kalau air paip..make sure..cmpur sikit anti-chlorine...k..
owh is it armin? patutlaa...mystery solved..
rasa cam tak pasan adik letak menda tu..ade dah beli..haizzz..patutlee..skang gak nk tepon mak..soh letak..better late than sorry..ehe..tq armin~
cian ikan tu..
jgn lupe anti-klorin itu..haish!
adik kamoo cm muke stdents dulu la..rindu lak tetbe..heee...
kamoo..ank sedare da besar ciket mak cakap..haish!xsbr nk blik tgk..huhuu..
tu la tieha..cane ntah leyh lupanye..terkorban suda 7 ekor..syg tol..7 hengget duit cik sara tuh..ehe~
owh yake..nk jupe adik cik sara camtu? si gemok yg cumil..eekeke
u now what, i prefer cats more than fish la..at least i know my cats lapar ke sakit ke..ikan ni..adess..taw2 mati suda..sedeyh2..
owh yake..nti snap pics taw..boh kat blog..snow white tu cumil sgt..sure anak2 pn cumil~
cik sara.. buku2 kaw nampak bersih lagi suci lagi.. x sentuh lagi ek? haha..!!
weh ikan kekek..mak iloi iloi.. =D
owh ayie~ kamoo perli daku kah..ehe
oloo..tu tunjuk kulit luar sajje..dijaga dgn baik taw..balut segala..raaaaajinla selak..(selak jek ye..baca tajuk je lebeyh..ahaha)
eelllllll tu sgt cumil
comel ke paani??
owh ho ho ho..
ko kna tambah power kat spek ko kotzz..ahaha
unik gile kecomeln di mata kau..kagum2~
can kenal je buku di atas tuh...
one of my subject too... :-P
is it? what field are u in ek?
leyh kte kongsi notes pasni ekk~
suka tgk akuarium tu! nak jugak!!! bape kos sume bahan2 untuk akuarium tu? bahan ke? erkk
buku tu kan, i bawa balik, tunjuk kat parents harga dia, pastu simpab balik beg x sentuh langsung~~wakakakak
ikan batik yg cantekkks teww..
bhn2 dlm akuarium ke?
batu~ kutip tepi jln
pokok2~ curik mak punye pokok2 hiasan yg mmg da lama dn hampir di buang pn..
so dat make RM 0..owhh~ tak kusangka..
hihi tpi akuarium tu leyh thn gak la regenye..abg yg belikn utk adik tu..
owhh..u mmg bagus la syg..tu nmanye menjaga buku..mahal kn..so have to make sure takde cacat cela cket pn..ehehe
ikan batik tu ckp 'tq..i taw i chantek'
cik sara amik ape erk..buku 2 gitew gue x mengerti..
suke ikan ker.. heehe shayer suker makan eel haha.. keli ngap gak..geli tapi sedap..huhu
cik sara amek TESL..1st book tu sah2 la..intro to language..yg 2nd tu pasal falsafah pndidikn guru la..curriculum KBSR segala..in english tu yg laaagi menderita nk study..huk3
cik sara shuke kucim ag dri ikan..adik yg shuke ikan..
owhhhh..kamoo shuke mkn eel?? hwaa3..cik moonie, sy tak sanggup..sedap ekk?? tpi geli...tidak3..sanggup tak mkn..
owh..ikan keli cik sara shuke~ ehe..sbb geli2 pn upe dye tak mcm eel..yg menyerupai ulaqqq...owhh tidak3..geli3
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