Wednesday, April 8

recapp ~ Songs & Poetry workshop

we just got home from SK Sg Besi for the SOP (School Orientation Project) application..when we first arrive, was a bit nervous since there are 2 groups who have been rejected to do their SOP at the designated schools..but Alhamdulillah..the headmaster is a very sensible n kind man..& handsome too..i mean at his age..quite pleasant to look at..=p i can also tell that he's a javanese..ehem3..proud to be wong jowo~~ kikiki but now im not going to talk about that..

i just got some pictures for the SOngs & Poetry workshop which was held 2 weeks ago..we just receive the feedback on group has done the poem on Sneezes:~

sneezes always come together with a flu
and make you jump when they say.."Atchoo!"
take you completely by surprise
leaving tears in your eyes

but there's also another type of sneeze
that tickles your nose and tease
it makes you go..a-a-a no..
that is when the sneeze decides to go

and just when you think its gone right away
you open your mouth cause you have something to say
it comes back again
you grab for your hanky and then it comes

Madam Mohny : all of us also think that this group has done veeryyy well..(wahh..berbunga hati mndengar komen madam)
Madam Mohny: should loosen up a bit..everytime the students have given the correct answers..u should praise them..and smile a lot..

wakakaka...iyekah? kami cikgu2 serious rupanye...nervous kot msa tu..ntahla..this is not the first time we're in school, we did the story telling performance last sem..maybe because this time its more to teaching and not not a natural teacher maybe? huuu..kayh few kodak momentosss to share:

keadaan sekitar

my S&P's group leader..asyraf..didi sgtt..huuu~ si anak emak yg serius dn speaking laju gileeerrzz..
ehe..msa group len perform..we're helping n also observing the kids..ape lagi..komenlaaa..gmbr di bwh kesinambungan crite Wada Oliye whom father is an Italian..she's sooo cute klik sini
utk entry tersebut..
last but not least..gambar diatas stage..hehenota kaki: cane tanak jdik cikgu yg serious? hee..tak retiiii~ but certain people said im a natural teacher...huuu..ntahlaa..


Anonymous said...

really miss my students..
;( is cool!!!
damn cooll...

Qarl said...


tetapla nk bulatkan diri die kan

copy cat la

leh la skandal dgn guru besar plak

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

tieha..u did? im not..hahaha dis may i'll be going to school again..observing pre-schoolers..jom join cik sara jom~

karl..oloh..mane de copy..bulatan aku cantik cket..bulatn ko herot2..hehehe
a'ah..esp cik adah uchida ye..beria ckp Tn Hj Mesrandi B. Mesdi tu ensemm..hihii

PeQ GaRaGe said...

ape dlm bulatan tu??

WANTED person ka??


nisachik said...

cik nisa ske 2nd pic tu..
tgk mr. grasshopper..
yg dok dpn skali tuhh..

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

a'ah..she's wanted..tangkap dye cpt..hadiahnye..hmmm...rahsia..hehe..ishhh! incik peq ni berkelakuan tidak sopan lgi di sini..haiizzz..leyh geng ngan karl ni..pelajar2 tak sopan..hehehe

cik nisa..nmpak sajje mr. grasshopper dye tuu..even cik sara pn tak letak je gmbar2 sbb gmbr tu je yg ade..hehehe~

adah uchida said...

ahakzz...maintain la kan headmaster encem..hehehe..high tech sey skola tuh..sat lg kite akan d'tag' more punch card..ak rs kan..tuk kite mst dia suh scan mate skali..hehe..didie la..uikzz..biler ngajar kn seyes apew..kang dak2 ckp kite mereng..asik sinyum jer..hehehehe..=p

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

agreed every word u said dearie..

yupzyy guru besar menawan hati..esp hti kamoo~

ahha..punch card wasnt in style anymore..kte scan mata skang..hahaha

ehhe..acap mmg sgt didi..aduii..tringt kisah2 lalu..

a'ah ekk..kte jdik cikgu grg jela kn..

Cikgu Ije said...

suka la poem tu. unik!!

moonie said...

lor cik sara cekgu ker?? is is konpius

kyox said...

bulatkan gambar i juga la....

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

ijechan..ehe..cik sara pn shuke..dats why we decided to use dat poem to teach..intresting kn..

ohho..iye cik, im a future primary school english teacher..pasni jgn konpius da ekk? ehe

olo syg..u post kat blog u dat pic n bulatkn gmbr u kayh? ehehe

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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