Monday, March 16

tagged by ijechan~ fantasi kenchan

huk3..tagged yg sedikit menyentuh hati..kerna daku kini berseorangan..single mingle gitu..tpi tapelaa..demi ijechan comeyyy..ku gagahkn juge angan2 hampehhh ku..romantik mode please~~

tag 5 Fantasi Kencan didatangkan khas dari ..::ijechan::..
. apakah itu kencan?


oooo.. jom mula!!

SATU: round seme shopim mall kat KL ni in a day..dimulakan dari Times Square sbb paling dekat, bowling cni syok..wpun manyak masuk longkang je kengkadang tu men tpi pe salahnye..ngengade je men kannnzz..then continue pi mid plak, shopim cket..masuk JJ ke metrojaya dlm tu ke..wpun cik sara bukan kaki shopim..tak shuke ar shopim..jln2 jew..exercise kannzzz..layan movie pn besh jiwangzz laa..amek mood romantik katenye..pastu troooss KLCC singgah kinokuniya..carik buku2 twilight..syiokk..paling tak pn belek lah buku2 yg patut kat ctu..hehe yela..nk belik pikir 2 3 kali gak kan..pastu pi mines masuk umah salji tu..ololo romantiknye cipta frostie seshame laaa..

♥ its cold but u make me cosy wid da warmth of ur love~~♥♥

DUA: pi pantaiii~~ waa besh3..emm gi pantai yg jarang org pergi..u noe, pntai yg bukan utk recreational laa..biarla tak chantekk..yg bnyak belacak pn tape..yg penting is da sentimental value of dat pantai..sometimes partner kte pn cam pantai tu..mungkin ade menda kat partner kte yg kte tak nah jupe kat org laen but dats da is about adapting ur partner, dun change them coz they're special in their own way..dats da most important thing 4 me, sum1 yg leyh terima cik sara seadanye..daku insan biasa yg tidak sempurna..~ wahhh..humble mode jap...huk3

♥♥ i love u in every way..thousand waves will change the beach but thousand years won't change the fact that i'll always love you..♥♥

TIGA: emm..something different yg ktorg tak nah wat shame2..maybe a challenging outdoor activiti..pnjat gunung ar..kengkadang tu takkn asek nk tgk make up face kanzz..kang klau ditakdirkn ade jodoh terkozuttt kambeng plak tgk natural face..

♥♥ beauty only catch attention but personality captures the heart..n yes i mean it when i said it, i need your heart more than your looks~♥♥

EMPAT: hmm ape lgi ye..emm star gazing wid our partner..choose 2 brightest star n name dat ur love stars..pastu kira la same2 bintang2 di langit tu..waaa very da shuwwittt...~ or very tade keje len la tu nk bwat..hahaha..tidoq lgi bek kottzz

♥♥ u can count the stars on the sky but even that isn't enough to measure how much i love you..~♥♥

LIMA: date widout any planning..kadang2 da least is tak bwat ape2 pn..duduk ajje sama2..hmmm sometimes present is already a gift..having da sense of 'him'..close to me is more than enough~

♥♥ true love is when you always want your loved ones to be happy whether it includes you or not..~ there's always a beauty in walking away~ ♥♥
Kriteria yang perlu dipenuhi:
  • cik sara perlukn partner..sape nk sila2 isi borang..sang Adam ye sorg..kang klau sejenis da len plak jadinye kannzz..bhaya woo..hahahaha
  • hmmm actually more preferable if he's my hubby nk ke mana2 berdua pn tape..klau tak kang kna tangkap basah..aiiii..shuke la plak kn kawen pree..hehehe adeiii~
  • okkayh..penah cik sara post dulu kriteria yg ku mahu kan..not specific but generally laa.. ..::klik disini::..
Cik Sara nak tag insan2 yg tak penah cik sara tag sblom neyh..hehe:

..::cik rabihah::..
..::cik nur nina::..
..::cik nisa::..
..::cik nadya::..
..::cik indah::..
..::cik iqakiko::..

reflection cket.."haii..lately ni asek isu gini aje..mcmla nk kawen esok still young..bnyak lgi menda len yg nk deal apart from love..yupzzyy tak dinafikn kdg2 tu rindu gak tpi...hmmm susahla nk cakap..jodoh pertemuan kn di tgn Tuhan..mmg sronok berfantasi tp when it comes to reality, relationship comes with responsibilty..dun wanna take it for granted..ckopla da main2..ckopla da berjahiliyah..what is done cannot be undone so juz let it go n move on..after this hopefully im dealing with the real thing with this love thinging..Ya Allah..biarla cinta slpas ini cinta terakhir ku..biar smpai syurga"
Tak perlu mencari teman secantik BALQIS,
Jika diri tak seindah SULAIMAN,
Mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSUF,
Jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA,
Tak perlu diri menjadi seteguh IBRAHIM,
Jika tak sekuat SARAH,
Mengapa didamba teman hidup seistimewa KHADIJAH,
Jika diri tak sesempurna RASULULLAH S.A.W
nota kaki: haizzzz...da lama menyingle neyh tak reti da ase nk berjiwang...hahaha bila baca balik cam geli jek..ngee~ kpd yg kene tag, i noe its damn bz weeks klau korg postpone dlu pn tag tu tape..cik sara tak kesah..tiada paksaan yew


Mohd Nasri said...

single ka?

Qarl said...


♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

nasri..awat..tak caya ke aku single? cayelaaa~~

haiqal..konsep jiwangzzz n luahn pasaan jap~~

cik nanie..yupzzzyyy..very da shuwwiitt kan verse tu..mmg cik sara pn shuke sgt~~ konsep belaian2 jiwa la cket kanzz..jiwang2 karat..wakaka..karatttt~

Hanis Amanina said...

kehkehkeh.. xdpt la sy jwb tag ni wat mase terdekat..tataw nk pkir pape psal mnde cmni.. haha.. tggu lgi bpe taun, bru settlekan bley x? =))

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

hahaha..tapela adik nina..dh cik sara nyatakn pn tiada paksaan utk mnjawabnyew..hehehe

budak bek nina neyh..blajo je sokmo2..fokus, tak pndang pn menda2 gini..pasti itu rahsia kejayaan 10A1 1A2..cayalaaaa~

nisachik said...

tataw nk jwb canerr..
hati x de kt cni skunk..
kalo x jwb pown x pe kn?kn?kn?..

♥♥me ~ cik sara said...

oloh3..ngade nye cik nisa..
sepuk kang..ehehe
taw laaa superman dye nuuuunnn jauh..
nk jwb tu kna si dia ade di sisi kew..ololo cuwwiitt..

hehe..emmm tapew..cik sara da tulis ctu..tiada paksaann~ klau ase boring2 tade keje ke tade idea ke nk hapdet blog jwb leee~~ blog nisa knn ala2 jiwang gitu kn..hehe

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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