klpac virgin?? hmm after dat day like emma said..not anymore..hee..
jom nek beskal dlm klpac..hehehe antara props which they had n will still used in performing..adah nek pe tuuu??
cik sara n mr.naqib..he's hekal's housmate..neva talk to him b4..n i think i didnt talk to him also on dat day..n suddenly he payungkn me in da Sashin studio..while waiting for da free photo shoot session..funny2..note: tade skandal..sy still n akan single smpai grad yeh..harap maklum..haha
haa..dis one tape nk skandal..hee 'juz married' foto kate karl dlm blognye kn..so miss adah, dun blame me..hehehehe i like dis pic laa..look so sweet u both..hee we can dressed up using da costumes n a professional photographer (i think)..snap our pic..n we can have a copy for free..=)
me and adah..da best pic of me n her..sgt shuke gmbr ni..heeeee thanx karl..tpi bak kate komen mdm ros.."huh! sooo fake!" aiyaaa..mdm ros kijam..huhuhu
nice pose naqib n coki..nice photo director karl..hehehe..
kat umah kg la kononnye nih..hehehe but it's actually a japanese built house..n there're lots of koi fish there..very big n for sure very expensive..i wudnt even think to have one..hahaha no thank u..prefer catszzz more than fishhhh..hehehe
berjalan-jalan lagi ye kamu...
bua pertama kalinya kotzz kanzz
name aku appear dlm post!!!
btw, mmg besh!!
yg penting, aku mnum 3 cup of MILO....
kan kene boikot MILO!!! ermm
hehe.. sorry.. i am a bit shy when meeting new people, dats why we didnt talk much that day.. plus, i just love mengutuk QUT juniors hari tu.. btw, nice photos!
hukhuk..tsedak ak..pic kawen la kanzzz...hehhe..best2..ske pic kte 2org tu..image consultant ng model of d year..hahahahahharuk..=p
peq: a'ah..jln2 carik pasal carik gado..lolz~
karl: haa laa sbb name aku pn nek kat blog ko kn..kodak momentos katenyeee..hehe
hmm aku pn minum 3 cawan weihh..
saiful: hee its okkay..im a bit shy myself..(iye kew??) hahaha..yeah,tape..understandable why u need to kutuk2 them..lolz~ mmg bnyak chantek sgt muka dyorg tu kn kononnye..
adah cayang: thanx my beloved consultant..hee nice pic yg tu...mmg i simpan smpai mati lorhh..hahahaharrruuukkk! lolz~
aiya bini gua kena kebas sama itu haiqal...uwaaaaaa.
hak3..tula pasal teh..bini ko cun sgt..hehe kn dh kna kebas..
uwaaaa...wa nak kebas balik...kasi ikat sama itu rantai besi..ikat kat pokok nyiok...tgk dia mana mau lali...
wakakaka..adah! lari2..laki ko menggila..nk ikat hang kt pokok nyiok..
aiyak..bkn da cerai ker??ni kn mintak arahan makhamah nih..hehehe..
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