Sunday, January 11

..pilih hari sebelum potong kuku..

..pilih hari sebelum potong kuku..
RASULULLAH S.A.W BERSABDA: Barang siapa yang mengerat kukunya pada ;
* Hari Sabtu : Nescaya keluar dari dalam tubuhnya ubat dan masuk kepadanya penyakit
* Hari Ahad : Nescaya keluar daripadanya kekayaan dan masuk kemiskinan
* Hari Isnin : Nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk sihat
* Hari Selasa : Nescaya keluar daripadanya sihat dan masuk penyakit
* Hari Rabu : Nescaya keluar daripadanya was-was dan masuk kepadanya kepapaan.
* Hari Khamis : Nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk kepadanya sembuh dari penyakit.
* Hari Jumaat : Nescaya keluar dosa-dosanya seperti pada hari dilahirkan oleh ibunya dan masuk kepadanya rahmat daripada Allah Taala.

hmm..i dun really remmber da exact fadhilat if we clipped our nails on da chosen days which are mondays, thursdays n fridays..hmm but i noe its not good to do it apart from these juz hang on to dat fact is good enough i think hehe..

nota kaki: kucin ni pn pndai nk potong kuku yea??hahaha..dun..later u'll lost ur weapons n there goes ur dinner meowieee..=)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I consider, that you commit an error. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and hello all..

this blog in the first place was created just as a hobby where i dump all the chronicles of my thoughts, my memories, my words, my opinions and everything that i would like to share with all my readers..but now there are soo many readers that keep following me..thanx a lot..i appreciate all of you dearly..generally this is just my personal reflection on anything that's happening around me..

hence, if anything that i'd spilled here were offensive to you, do let me know, to err is human right? you can leave or stop reading my blog if you find it not in your interest & i would like to apologize in advance if any contents of this blog are not appeal to you..

i appreciate so much every viewers, silent readers and readers, thanks a lot..keep visiting okkayh..

Lots of ♥♥, me~


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